Repair for Leaking Basement Windows in the Vicinity of Spokane, Coeur d'Alene, and Post Falls
Expert solutions for basement windows experiencing leaks or flooding
Water can infiltrate your basement through various pathways, even with concrete wall sealing and perimeter drain installation. Despite these measures, leaks may persist through different means.
One prevalent entry point for water into below-grade areas is through Leaky windows in the basement.
Understanding the Causes of leaky windows
Typically, basement windows are constructed with budget-friendly steel or wood frames. Over time, these materials deteriorate, displaying signs of rust, corrosion, and decay.
As the frames deteriorate, the window panes become less secure, and the frame may loosen within its opening in the basement wall.
In addition to leakage, these windows may also develop drafts, leading to increased energy expenses as conditioned air escapes from your home.
Fortunately, addressing basement leaky windows is a straightforward process that involves redirecting any infiltrating water to your perimeter drainage system, providing a quick, easy, and permanent solution.

Installation Process for the WellDuct® System
Addressing leaking basement windows is achieved through the installation of the WellDuct® Basement Window System, which effectively redirects flooding to a perimeter drain or dry well. Our technicians execute the installation process in four straightforward steps:
At Premier Basement Systems, we advise directing water from your WellDuct® into a French drain system. Alternatively, if necessary, a small drywell can be constructed beneath the leaking window. In cases where the issue stems from a leaking crack beneath your window, no additional hole will be required.
During installation, the technician will carefully create a small hole beneath the window. For block walls, a PVC pipe will be inserted into this hole, with a grated opening installed on the exterior of the pipe to mitigate clogging risks. Additionally, a polymer will be injected around the outer perimeter of the pipe to ensure a secure seal and placement.
A gray plastic fitting will be affixed to the interior basement wall, guiding water downward into your perimeter drain or drywell. The top of the drain will be securely sealed with a polymer injection. Plastic pegs will mechanically fasten the plastic fitting to your walls.
The perimeter of the plastic fitting will be sealed to your wall using a polymer injection. Following meticulous cleanup of the work area, your installation will be considered finished!
Maintenance for Basement Windows
Similar to other components in your home, your basement windows benefit from regular maintenance. Although your windows may still experience leaks in the absence of a WellDuct®, here are some proactive steps you can take to minimize water intrusion:
- Regularly clear dirt, leaves, and debris from your window wells.
- Maintain clean gutters to prevent water pooling around your windows.
- Ensure proper grading of the soil around your home, sloping it away from your windows and foundation.
Additionally, maintaining a clean window well is an effective method for preventing pest infestations. Debris such as dirt and leaves can attract pests like ants and termites, which may establish nests near your home and eventually infiltrate it. Regular cleaning helps mitigate this risk and preserves the integrity of your home.

Aging basement window frames are prone to rust and rot, especially when paired with corroded and debris-filled metal window wells, resulting in an unappealing sight.
Compounding the issue, these deteriorating window wells often leak when exposed to snow and rain during wet seasons, allowing water to seep into your home.
Opt for window replacement and the installation of new covered window wells to create a drier, more pleasant living environment.
Call or e-mail us today for a free window waterproofing estimate!