French Drain Systems
French Drain Installation Contractor Serving Post Falls, Coeur d'Alene, Spokane, and neighboring areas!
We Craft Customized and Warrantied Drain Systems to Confront Every Challenge
Install a full-perimeter French drain in your basement—the simplest and most effective solution to prevent basement flooding.
Premier Basement Systems takes pride in swiftly and successfully providing homeowners with drainage system installations. Our installation crews typically complete the installation of a comprehensive perimeter drain and sump pump system in less than two days on most projects.
Upon completion, we furnish you with a written lifetime warranty for your system. Additionally, should you choose to sell your home, this warranty is transferable to the new owner, ensuring continued protection.
Request Your French Drain
Installation Quote Today!
Discover how we can assist you—get in touch via phone or email today! Homeowners within our service area qualify for a complimentary French drain installation quote, complete with an on-site consultation and a personalized, written cost estimate—no obligations attached.
Choosing the Ideal French Drain System for Your Needs
Tailoring Solutions to Unique Challenges:
Just as we wouldn’t use a hammer for a screw, our approach to basement waterproofing recognizes that different problems require different drain systems. Each job is assessed individually for the most effective solution.
Our range of drainage systems is crafted to tackle distinct and unique challenges you may encounter. From addressing specific design aspects of your home to handling unusual basement water issues like iron ochre, each system is tailored to meet different challenges effectively.
Choose from Our Selection of Five French Drain Systems:
For a typical basement, our WaterGuard® system is the ideal choice for waterproofing. This French drain is designed to be installed below the floor slab, resting on top of the foundation footing. This keeps this drainage system out of the "mud zone", where drains can clog.
Installation involves removing a section of floor around the perimeter and creating a drainage trench. Sections of WaterGuard® are then placed within the trench, resting on a bed of drainage stone, and the floor is restored.
A wall flange extends 3/8" above the floor, allowing the drain to collect water leaking from the basement walls.
More on our WaterGuard® Below-Floor Drain
Most foundations come in three pieces: walls, floor, and footing. Other foundations (called monolithic foundations) come with the floor and footing as one piece, and the walls are installed on top as a separate piece.
Monolithic foundations have exceptionally thick floors around the edges. Jackhammering through these thick concrete floors is very time-consuming and creates a lot of dust!
To avoid these issues, we recommend the DryTrak® Baseboard Drain Pipe System. This unique drain system installs above the floor, eliminating the dust and labor of jackhammering.
More on our DryTrak® Drain Pipe
Sometimes the concrete floor in a basement is too thin for a drain to be installed on top of the footer. If we did install it on top of the footer, the drain would stick up past the concrete slab.
We usually address this challenge with our FlowGuard Thin Floor System. This system is designed to sit in front of the footing in a bed of drainage stone. After installation, the concrete floor is restored over it.
Like our other drain systems, FlowGuard includes a wall flange, which extends up the wall to direct any leaking water to your sump pump system.
More on our FlowGuard Drain System
If iron bacteria is present in your water, it will create a gelatinous, rust-colored substance known as iron ochre.
This unpleasant material is notorious for smelling terrible, staining everything it touches, and clogging drainage systems.
Our experts tackle this rare problem with our WaterGuard® IOS Basement Drain. This product is a modified version of our WaterGuard® system that includes an extra-wide drain channel, and larger drainage openings. To allow for easy drain system maintenance if clogged, the drain system also includes an exposed, removable lid.
More on our WaterGuard® IOS Perimeter Drain
Our dealers often meet with homeowners who would like us to prevent water from flooding from an outer entryway (hatchways, garage doors, under doorways, etc.)
In cases like this, our dealers will often span the opening with our TrenchDrain Grated Draining Pipe. The grated opening of this system is designed to accept water from the floor, where it's then directed to your perimeter drain.
Like our other drain systems, TrenchDrain is compatible with a radon mitigation system. If this is a concern for you, ask your specialist for details on how TrenchDrain works in a sealed radon mitigation system.
More on our TrenchDrain Drainage Pipe

Customized French Drain Systems for Your Home—Let Us Tailor the Perfect Solution!
Regardless of your house’s construction or the challenges you’re encountering, our waterproofing products can be skillfully combined to fashion a tailored solution that suits your needs perfectly!
The Basement Systems line of drainage products has been deployed in warrantied systems for hundreds of thousands of homes worldwide! Discover how our system can address your needs—reach out to us today by phone or email for a complimentary basement waterproofing quote!
Servicing homeowners across the United States and Canada, our Free Estimates comprise on-site inspections, consultations, a written cost quote, and a complimentary copy of our comprehensive full-color waterproofing book.